Sunday, January 16, 2011

Trespassing on someone else's site

Welcome to 2011 my friends: where the eating doesn't stop, but sometimes pauses for a much needed detox - sorry for the absence!

Well, everyone seems to be writing their list of goals for the year ahead - it makes me excited for what 2011 will bring. And while looking forward, I also love to look back, to think 'where was I 365 days ago?' Well that one's easy - half way across the world, in the other hemisphere!

A few of my goals for 2011 do involve my blog, or rather writing. I want to write MORE - more often, in more places, and perhaps even in print.

Well, the year started off right in relation to this goal, and I've had a couple of articles published over at Trespass Magazine - you really should go and check them out; I think of Trespass as the thinking person's magazine, rather than the crap (read: secret guilty pleasure) over at The Superficial. No link, if you're really interested, look it up.

Back to Trespass. Living in Berlin, I thought I would use the city as inspiration and write on something so typical to the place: Currywurst. Little did I imagine that in doing so, I would attract the attention of the Currywurst Fan Club, with some more hot tips on where I should be eating my wurst. Amazing.

The beast that is Currywurst mit Pommes

In any case, why don't you head on over to Trespass, check out my review, maybe leave a comment if you're in to that kind of thing, and maybe even press the like button, if your right finger is up to the task?

Now, I did mention 'a few' of my goals involve my blog. Well, the second goal I'd like to make public is that at some stage this year I WILL go to a Michelin star restaurant. There are at least five one-star rated restaurants in Berlin and I would love to check at least one of them out. And of course share the experience with you all (via the blog, I certainly can't afford to take you all with me).

So, my gourmand friends, I leave you with a question today (trying something new!) - is there a German food you would like me to write about? Something you've heard rumours of? Or simply want to know if Germans really do eat sausage and drink beer all day long? Post a comment and let me know!

Viele liebe Grüße,

Fifi von Strudel xo

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